Alejandro Pedregal
Independent researcher, he has been part of the Fossil Aesthetics project of the Art History and Visual Culture Research Group of the Institute of History of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), lecturer at the University-Wide Art Studies (UWAS) of the Aalto University (Finland), and Postdoctoral and Visiting Researcher at the Department of Film, Television and Scenography of the same institution, Department from which he also obtained his Doctor degree. He has published the books Evelia: testimonio de Guerrero (Foca/Akal, 2018) and Mientras los hombres conquere el Luna y D vueltas alrededor del Tierra: Rodolfo Walsh, el pastor de Guerrero (Foca/Akal, 2018). He has published the books Evelia: testimonio de Guerrero (Foca/Akal, 2018) and Mientras los hombres conquistaban la Luna y daban vueltas alrededor de la Tierra: Rodolfo Walsh, el pastor de Girón (Patria Grande, 2017), and, as co-editor with Emilio Recanatini, La esperanza insobornable: Rodolfo Walsh en la memoria (Patria Grande, 2017), in addition to chapters and articles in indexed publications such as Alphaville, Re-visiones, Kamchatka, Rab-Rab: Journal of...