team > Coco Moya

Coco Moya (Gijón, 1982) is an artist and musician. She develops part of her artistic practice together with Iván Cebrián at Menhir, an art and music collective. Her research focuses on the relationship between territory and sound/music from the perspective of the material. She wonders how technology, culture, nature and the material are related to the landscape through the metaphor of sound and touch. The territory, crossed by telluric energies, and inhabited by cyborg amalgams, forms a polyphonic writing that can be interpreted, through rhythms and melismas that touches places and puts them in contact. She is currently doing her doctoral thesis on Sound Geomancy, tutored by Blanca Fernández-Quesada and Jaime Munárriz at the UCM, where she also completed the MIAC Master's in Art and Research in 2015. She is a professor of Sound Landscape at the Faculty of Fine Arts TAI Arts, and has given lectures in various forums such as CA2M, the Faculty of Philosophy of the UCM, or La Casa Encendida. She has made performances or participated in exhibitions in art centers such as Azkuna Zentroa, Museum of Human Evolution, LABoral Center for Art and Industrial Creation, Sala Borrón, Sala de Arte Joven de Av. América, CICUS, Nau Côclea, La Casa Encendida, Cerezales Antonino and Cinia Foundation. He has received awards for creation or research residencies such as the Can Farrera Art and Nature Grant, Plastic Arts Circuits, LABjoven Los Bragales, or Casa Velázquez.