team > Paula Barreiro

Head researcher of the international platform MoDe(s) and professor of Contemporary Art at the Art History Department of the of the Université Grenoble-Alpes/Laboratoire LARHRA UMR 5190. Since 2007 she has worked at several European research institutions and universities in France, the U.K., Switzerland and Spain, including the Institut National d´Histoire de l´Art [INHA] in Paris, the University of Liverpool, the Université de Genève and the Instituto de Historia of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas [CSIC] in Madrid and, recently at the University of Barcelona (Ramón y Cajal programme). Her research focuses on art criticism, cultural networks and politics in Spain, Western Europe and Latin America during the Cold War as well as the diverse and divergent developments of modernity reflected in the art historic accounts within an increasingly globalised world. Her publications include the books Vanguardia y crítica de arte en la España de Franco, 2021; Atlantico Frío: Historias transnacionales del arte y la política en los tiempos del telón de acero, 2019 (sole editor); Avant-garde Art and Criticism in Francoist Spain, 2017; Modernidad y vanguardia: rutas de intercambio entre España y Latinoamérica, 2015 (edited with Fabiola Martínez); Crítica(s) de arte: discrepancias e hibridaciones de la Guerra Fría a la globalización, 2014 (edited with Julián Díaz) and La abstracción geométrica en España, 2009. She forms part of the cultural and scientific committee of the Archives de la Critique d´Art in Rennes as well as member of the editorial board of the journal Critique d´Art.