team > Ernest García

Ernest Garcia (Alacant, 1948). Professor emeritus of the University of Valencia, where he has been professor of sociology, director of the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and coordinator of ESDESOST (research group in Sustainability Studies). He is the author of El trampolí fàustic: Ciència, mite i poder en el desenvolupament sostenible (1995); Medio ambiente y sociedad: La civilización industrial y los límites del planeta (2004); Transitioning to a Post-Carbon Society: Degrowth, Austerity and Wellbeing (2017); Ecología e igualdad: Hacia una relectura de la teoría sociológica en un planeta que se ha quedado pequeño (2021). He has been a member of the coordination committee of the network on Environment and Society of the European Sociological Association and president of the Associació Valenciana de Sociologia.