team > Alberto Berzosa
Alberto Berzosa holds an European PhD in Art History and Theory. He works in the space where contemporary art, Film studies, political archives and curatorship intersect. He is the author of books such as Cine y sexopolítica (Brumaria, 2020), Homoherejías Fílmicas (Brumaria, 2014) and Cámara en mano contra el franquismo (Al Margen, 2009). He has also curated some exhibitions such as "Madrid Activismos 1968-1982" at La Casa Encendida or "Sexopolíticas del cine marginal. Years 70 and 80" at the Institut Valencià d'Art Modern. He is co-author of the film Memorias de Ultramar (2021). He is currently a member of the project "Aesthetics Fossil" of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC).