team > Santiago Morilla Chinchilla

Multidisciplinary artist, PhD in Contemporary Art (UCM, Complutense University of Madrid) and specialised in New Media Art (Media Lab at University of Art and Design Helsinki, UIAH, Finland), researcher and lecturer at UCM Faculty of Fine Arts. He is currently part of the research groups "Practicas artísticas y nuevas formas de conocimiento " (id UCM: 588) and "Urban Art and Technosphere" associated with the Master in “Creative Approaches to Public Space” (University of Rennes 2, France) .

His art practice –with such diverse media as photography, video, digital mapping, installations and situated performances – investigates the contemporary relationships between aesthetics, politics and cultural ecology, considering questions related to the processes of environmental decline and multispecies coexistence. He designs actions, experiences and interfaces that facilitate interaction and participatory co-production between humans and non-humans (mainly plants, but also animals, bike-machines or algorithms in symbiotic relationship). His situated approach pursues the critical production of a common space of coexistence, where it would be possible to establish alternative and imaginative dynamics of collaboration with otherness through listening, respecting and balancing diverse agents and systems (facing the costly ecosystem collapses  of the Anthropocene / Capitalocene).

His body of work have been exhibited at museums both nationally and internationally, including the Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art (South Korea), the Carrara Marble Museum and Fondazione Pastificio Cerere in Rome (Italy), The Drawing Center (New York), or ABC Museum (Madrid) and Center Arts Santa Mònica (Barcelona), among other international art centers and galleries. He has obtained some art awards and international research and production scholarships such as the Beca de Artes Plásticas de la Real Academia de España en Roma (Italy), or the Gyeonggi Creation Center International Exchange Program Artist Residence in Seoul (South Korea), the XX Premi Ciutat de Manacor dʼArts Plàstiques (Mallorca) or the II Artistic Research and Production Grant from the Espai Rambleta Contemporary Art Center (Valencia), among others.