team > Belén Romero

International PhD in Art History from the University of Valencia. Member of the National System of Researchers, CONACYT, Mexico. She has worked as a researcher in the Art History Department of this university (2010-2014), doing research stays at the Gender Studies Research Center (CIEG), at UNAM (2012), as well as at the Art & Ecology Program of the University of New Mexico (USA) (2013). She has been a teacher since 2017 of the Master in Cultural Studies and Visual Arts, (Miguel Hernández University, Spain). Member of the FIDEX research group, of the R+D+i “Energy Humanities: Energy and sociocultural imaginaries between the Industrial Revolution and the ecosocial crisis” (Institute of History-CSIC), as well as of the R+D+i “Critical Visualities: cultural ecologies and investigations of the common” (Faculty of Fine Arts, UCM). Member of the Red de Conceptualismos del Sur platform (coordinator of the Critical Ecologies group). Independent curator. Currently, she works as a researcher at the Aesthetic Research Institute of the (UNAM), by obtaining a postdoctoral fellowship. His work focuses on the analysis, from the History of Art, Visual Culture, and Political Ecology, of ecological maneuvers, that is, artistic and cultural practices of re-existence (that sustain life) and their link with epistemologies. decolonizing of the South, political action, decolonial feminisms and the concepts of representation and power.