team > Luis González Reyes

Luis González Reyes (Madrid, 1974) works on issues related to environmentalism, economics and pedagogy. As an activist, he is a member of Ecologistas en Acción, where he was confederal coordinator for nine years. He is a partner of Garúa S. Coop. Mad., which is dedicated to facilitating ecosocial transitions by promoting concrete practices, training, researching and accompanying processes. In this field, he is a regular collaborator of several universities. He also works at FUHEM, where he is the coordinator of ecosocial education. This encompasses multiple tasks, including the development of a curriculum with an ecosocial approach for all stages and teaching materials, in addition to coordinating ecological and healthy school canteens. Finally, he actively participates in several fair and resilient experiences such as Entrepatios (housing), El Arenero (parenting) and Las Carolinas (food). He is the author or co-author of about twenty books on different facets of social ecologism. Among them are En la espiral de la energía and Educar para la transformación ecosocial. He holds a doctorate in chemistry.