team > Carmen Madorrán
Carmen Madorrán Ayerra (Pamplona, 1989) holds a PhD in Philosophy. She has a Master's degree in Bioethics and Law (UB, 2019) and another in Philosophical Criticism and Argumentation (UAM, 2012). She works as a lecturer in the Department of Philosophy at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. She is a member of the Asociación Foro Transiciones, the editorial board of the journal Papeles de relaciones ecosociales y cambio global, the research groups “Transdisciplinary on socio-ecological transitions ” and “Genealogies of Contemporary Thought”. She is director of the UAM-Demospaz School, is a member of the Board of the University Institute for Human Rights, Culture of Peace and Nonviolence (Demospaz) and of the Chair in Education for Social Justice. Her main lines of research have to do with contemporary political and moral reflection in the context of the ecosocial crisis.
Source: Fernando López Heptener, La presa de Aldeadávila, 1963, available at: Spain is one of the countries with the largest number of dams, about 1,200. Many were built during Franco’s dictatorship as part of his emblematic hydraulic policy, aimed at addressing post-war social, economic, and energy crises. Aside from the failed autarkic economic project, this…
Photograph: Elena Lavellés. Cranes at the Valdemingómez landfill. Documentation visit 2024. The limits of nature are dissolved under layers of cement, CO2 emitted into the atmosphere and waste produced from the activity of human beings. This overview leads us to a new vision that exceeds our capacity of comprehension and places us on the edge…
On the occasion of the exhibition ‘Archivo ecologista. Memoria y cultura visual del ecologismo en Valencia durante los años setenta’, held at the Centro La Nau of the University of Valencia between March and June of this year, a book-catalogue has been published which presents both the materials of the exhibition and, more broadly, a…