team > Fernando Arribas

He has a degree in Sociology and a PhD in Philosophy from the UNED. He is lecturer at the Department of Applied Economics I and History and Economic Institutions at the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, where he teaches Economic History. He also teaches the subject "Fundamentals of Ecological Ethics" in the Master in Ecological Humanities, Sustainability and Ecosocial Transition at the Polytechnic University of Valencia and the Autonomous University of Madrid. His main lines of research are developed in the field of ethics and political philosophy, especially in relation to ecology and sustainability, as well as aesthetics, reflecting on the role that art and the aesthetic appreciation of nature play in the formation and development of ecological awareness. Some relevant publications are La evasiva neoliberal. El pensamiento social y político de Friedrich A. Hayek. Madrid: Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, 2002. “Ecología, estética de la naturaleza y paisajes humanizados”. Enrahonar 53, 2014, pp. 77-91. “Belleza sin autoría: Una visión pluralista de la apreciación estética de la naturaleza”. Ecozona vol. 6, (2), 2015, pp. 94-109. “Arte, naturaleza y ecología”, en Tonia Raquejo y José María Parreño (eds.) (2015): Arte y ecología, Madrid: UNED, pp. 190-216. “Are Poplar Plantations Really Beautiful? On Allen Carlson’s Aesthetics of Agricultural Landscapes and Environmentalism”. Environmental Values 27, abril 2018, pp. 159-178.