team > Pablo Martínez
Pablo Martínez is a researcher and educator. His lines of research include educational work with the body, institutional imagination, as well as research on the capacity of images in the production of political subjectivity. In the last decade his institutional work has explored the various possibilities of an ecosocialist museum: from the creation of a vegetable garden on the terrace of the CA2M of the Community of Madrid to opening a kitchen in the MACBA and establishing a permanent working group around food sovereignty, agroecology and popular veganism, as well as introducing into the museum the debates on the end of fossil fuels and the production of imaginaries of fossilist modernity. He has worked as Head of Programs at MACBA between 2016 and 2021. He was part of the academic direction of the PEI Independent Study Program of MACBA (editions 2017-18, 2019-20 and 2021-22 not realized). He has been Head of Education and Public Activities at CA2M (2009-2016) and associate professor of Contemporary Art History at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Complutense University of Madrid (2011-2015). He launched and directed between 2017 and 2021 the essay collection et al. (MACBA-Arcàdia) and has been part of the editorial team of L'Internationale Online since 2016. He is the editorial secretary of the research journal Re-visiones and is part of the research and action group on education, art and cultural practices Las Lindes. He has edited publications such as Arte actual. Lecturas para un espectador inquieto (CA2M, 2011) and No sabíamos lo que hacíamos. Lecturas sobre una educación situada. (CA2M, 2016); he has curated exhibitions of Werker (2014) and Adelita Husni-Bey (2016), has participated in numerous collective publications including Visualidades críticas y ecologías culturales (Brumaria, 2018), Patricia Esquivias. A veces decorado (CA2M, 2016), Willem de Rooij. Index (Koenig Books, 2016) and Pensar la Imagen, Pensar con Imágenes (Delirio, 2014).