team > Emilio Santiago

Emilio Santiago Muíño (Ferrol, 1984) holds a PhD in Social Anthropology from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. His doctoral thesis Opción Cero. Sostenibilidad y socialismo en la Cuba postsoviética dealt with the systemic transition in Cuba after the fall of the USSR from a political ecology point of view.  He is currently a senior scientist at the Department of Anthropology of the Institute of Language, Literature and Anthropology of the CSIC where he has opened a line of research on climate anthropology. His field of work is the ecological crisis, climate emergency and ecosocial transitions in their sociocultural dimension. Author of the essays No es una estafa es una crisis de civilización (Enclave 2015), Rutas sin mapa, horizontes de transición ecosocial (Catarata essay prize 2015), Opción Cero, el reverdecimiento forzoso de la Revolución cubana (Catarata FUHEM, 2017) and ¿Qué hacer en caso de incendio? Manifiesto por el Green New Deal, co-written with Héctor Tejero (Capitán Swing, 2019). He has also participated, among others, in the collective volumes Petróleo (Arcadia, 2018), Ecosocialismo descalzo (Icaria, 2018), La Cuarta Revolución Industrial desde una mirada ecosocial (Clave Intelectual, 2018) and Spain After the Indignados/15-M Movement - The 99% Speaks Out (Springer, 2020) and in the report Escenarios de trabajo ante la transición ecosocial 2020-2030, funded by the Fundación Biodiversidad. He has taught anthropology at the Autonomous University of Madrid, philosophy at the University of Zaragoza and has been part of the academic faculty of the PEI of MACBA in the 2017-2018 academic year. He currently teaches in the Master in Ecological Humanities, Sustainability and Ecosocial Transition taught jointly between UPV and UAM.    He is also an ecosocial activist of the Institute of Transition Rompe el Círculo of Móstoles and has served professionally as of Technical Director of Environment of the City Council of Móstoles (2016-2019), where he developed the strategic plan Móstoles Transita 2030, and as technical advisor in ecological and climate policies of Más Madrid-Más País in the Assembly of Madrid and the Congress of Deputies during 2020.