team > Daniel Pérez Zapico
Daniel Pérez Zapico holds a Degree in History from the University of Oviedo (2009) and an European
PhD in History from the University of Oviedo and in Histoire des Sciences et des Techniques from the
Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en Yvelines (2016). He was a postdoctoral research fellow at
the Centre for History and Philosophy of Science (CHPS) of the University of Leeds between 2018 and
2020, and since January 2022 he works as postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Contemporary
History of the UAM. He has published in journals such as Historia Social, Écologie & Politique,
Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences (ARIHS), History and Technology, Journal of Iberian
and Latin American Studies, Critical Research on Religion and the Journal of Energy History / Revue
d'histoire de l'énergie (JEHRHE). He has also participated as a guest lecturer in the 2022-2023
academic year in the MSc Sustainability, Energy and Development taught at the Durham Energy
Institute (Durham University). His interest focuses on the cultural history of technology and energies.
Specifically, he is studying electrification policies in Restoration Spain, especially after the Disaster of
1898, seeking to elucidate how different political clienteles, social and technical groups mobilized
electricity and electrical technologies within broader conceptualizations of how the future of the
national community might look like. The aim is to study the interpretations of electricity by different
historical actors through the confrontation with energy resources and material technologies, but
also their use as symbolic resources in connection with broader political processes such as
nationalism and nation-building, conflicts between religious and secular groups and the design of
different paths towards industrial modernity.