In this section you can find the publications of the members of Fossil Aesthetics made as part of the project or that have thematic affinity with it.
In this section you can find the publications of the members of Fossil Aesthetics made as part of the project or that have thematic affinity with it.
This book arose within the framework of the project ‘Fossil Aesthetics’, with the aim of mapping out the archives in Spain that contain documents for the recovery of the environmentalist memory, fundamentally materials from the visual culture produced by the environmentalist movement itself. During the production of the volume, general reflections emerged on the political...
This incisive book invites us to rethink culture during the development of fossil modernity. Between the creation of the steam engine during the 18th century and the global warming that haunts and conditions us today, Jaime Vindel analyses, from a new critical paradigm, the relationship between the energy transformations driven by the Industrial Revolution, the...
On 6 April 2022, a group of activists from Rebelión Científica, many of them professionally linked to the academic world, threw biodegradable red paint made from common kitchen ingredients onto the façade of the Spanish Congress of Deputies. It was a symbolic protest that sought to draw attention to the climate inaction that our societies...
The development of industrial capitalism led to a reconfiguration of the social function of culture. A commodification of Western culture and fetishisation of art emerged that was inseparable from the expansion of this world system. This historical process consolidated insofar as it produced a series of material and imaginary rifts between interconnected spheres. In this...
Jaime Vindel published “What is art capable of? Notes on politicized art between institutional critique and constituent social practices”, in the book NO Retórica(s) Versions and subversions of resistance in contemporary global art, coordinated by Sara Alonso Gómez, Isabel J. Piniella, Grillet, Nadia Radwan and Elena Rosauro, Diaphanes, Berlin, pp.47-66. Access the text here.
Jaime Vindel published “Anthropocene as Energy Imaginaries: Fossil Culture between Industrial Revolution and Ecological Crisis”, European Journal of Creative Practices in Cities and Landscapes, 5(2), 43–60. Access the text here.
Jaime Vindel published “Intellectuals and Marxist aesthetics. Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez and the transatlantic networks of the Cold War” in the book Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez: filosofía estética y política para lectura marxista de nuestro tiempo, coordinated by José Sarrión Andaluz, Francisco Sierra Caballero Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, pp. 139-184. For further information click here.
In the heart of the Cold War, the sixties were one of the moments of greatest colonial expansion, including in cultural terms, of the U.S.A. In 1965 the American company Eastman Kodak launched its “revolutionary super 8 film system” on the market. It was a technological package consisting of, among other devices, three camera models,...
This paper explores the ways in which Super 8 entered the discussion on Third Cinema at a global level, whether through individual or collective experiences of production, theoretical interventions in print media, training workshops or transnational federative organizations. Based on diverse documentary and hemerographic sources, as well as archives and personal interviews, I argue that,...
This text provides a materialistic approach to the technology of Super 8 in the context of fossil modernity, developed in two parts. First, it focuses on the Super 8 as a tool that operates at three different levels of cultural and economic significance: the uneven relationship that arises between its production and distribution processes and...
This text provides a materialistic approach to the technology of Super 8 in the context of fossil modernity, developed in two parts. First, it focuses on the Super 8 as a tool that operates at three different levels of cultural and economic significance: the uneven relationship that arises between its production and distribution processes and...
Chapter of the book Climate: Our Right to Breathe, edited by Hiuwai Chu, Meagan Down, Nkule Mabaso, Pablo Martínez and Corina Oprea. In CLIMATE: Our Right to Breathe, more than twenty-five voices from the arts and culture form an internationalist chorus that emphatically responds to a collective need to imagine common strategies for solidarity when many limits...
Chapter of the book edited by Luis Arenas, José Manuel Naredo and Jorge Riechmann, Bioeconomía para el siglo XXI. Actualidad de Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen (Madrid: FUHEM ecosocial/ Los Libros de la Catarata, 2022). Access the text here.
Conversation between Adrián Almazán and Jaime Vindel in relation to the book Estética fósil. Imaginarios de la energía y crisis ecosocial (Barcelona: Arcadia, 2020), published by the journal Papeles de relaciones ecosociales y cambio global, nº 157, Spring 2022. We publish below the full version of the interview. Access the text here.
“Exiles and Colonists in the First Person: The Family Archive and its Recent (re) Writings in Spain”, L’Atalante. Revista de estudios cinematográficos, nº 34, pp. 21-39. Filmoteca Española has among its amateur film collections some very special collections in terms of mobility: films shot during the central decades of the 20th century in Republican exile...