First internal (not open to the public) workshop of the “Energy humanities. Energy and sociocultural imaginaries between the industrial revolutions and the ecosocial crisis” project (PID2020-113272RA-I00, ENERGEHUM). The workshop will explore the possibilities offered by the category of socio-cultural energy imaginary for: i) review the historical trajectory of industrial society in its different manifestations, from artistic practices to scientific discourses; ii) understand the conflicts that are shaping the climate emergency as a social phenomenon in dispute and iii) detect emerging trends in eco-social transition and analyze the feasibility or interest of some of these proposals. This research task, marked by a triple temporal sensibility (past, present and future), will be developed by attending to two deeply interrelated dimensions of the socio-cultural imaginary: its aesthetic dimension and its socio-political dimension, that cross and articulate each other in a process of co-evolution, and whose understanding requires a complex dialogue of knowledge.
Room Gómez Moreno (2C10), Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (calle Albasanz, 26, Madrid).
The program is available below and can be downloaded here.
First session: Thursday, January 20.
9h: Presentación, a cargo de Jaime Vindel y Emilio Santiago.
9h30: Iñaki Bárcena and Josu Larrinaga: “Energía y música pop, hacia nuevos
imaginarios y nuevas materialidades”.
10h30h: Carmen Madorrán and Ra