La ecología política de las imágenes: culturas de la energía y ecologías des-coloniales. Incluye una entrevista con Yayo Herrero

Jaime Vindel and Belén Romero (eds.), Re-visiones, nº 10, 2020

This issue of Re-visiones explores the relationship between image, ecology and politics from multiple angles. It considers that the modern history of images is also a device that has mediated socio-environmental relations through both the creation of imaginaries of “nature” whose protean, productivist and androcentric character is today in contradiction with the biophysical limits of nature, and the creation of cosmovisional alternatives that facilitate a friendlier fit of human communities in terrestrial ecosystems. From this perspective, the issue brings together diverse critical voices that reconstruct in an ecological key the visual critique of modern power relations, drawing on diverse knowledge and methodologies, ranging from the contributions of ecological Marxism and the new materialisms, to the perspectives opened up by decolonial ecologies.

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