From Feminism to Ecology

Ariel Salleh is a sociologist and political scientist whose work focuses on issues of ecology and feminism. Linked to the journal Capitalism Nature Socialism, her extensive work is an enriching display of the active dialogue between ecofeminism and Marxist ecosocialism. With a particular critical emphasis on ecological politics, regarding the relationship between humanity and nature, Salleh has deployed a rich theoretical production, with multiple interventions on the political economy of care – reproductive and regenerative work – under capitalism, as well as on the discourses of sustainability and social justice, and the experiences derived from the practices of communities facing the dispossession of resources or the nuclear threat. Author of Ecofeminism as Politics: Nature, Marx, and the Postmodern (1997) and editor of Eco-Sufficiency & Global Justice: Women write Political Ecology (2009), the short text we invite you to read is an early work (From Feminism to Ecology, 1984) in which she reflects on her own formation as an ecofeminist and the political dimensions of this framework of action and critique.