Workshop Cost Action TRACTS: “Tracing (Climate) Crisis, Visualizing Change. Imagining & Activating-Counter-Atlas of the Trace”


In this workshop, members of the TRACTS Network will give life to the Counter Atlas Curatorial Collective, which will oversee the design, creation, and implementation of a (counter) atlas of the trace. Establishing a model for collaboration across Working Groups, this 2-day event will bring together scholars and practitioners working on climate crisis (WG3) with anthropologists, artists, activists, and other scholar practitioners working on the ethical, conceptual, and methodological implications of trace (WG1).

The meeting has been organized by Alberto Berzosa, co-leader of WG3 and member of the Fossil Aesthetics and Energetic Humanities research projects (IH-CSIC) and Lee Douglas, leader of WG1 and Marie Curie researcher.

You can access the full program here.