Specialization course “Limits and possibilities of the energy transition”.

In 2022 energy is once again at the center of public debate. In addition to the profound energy implications of the climate roadmap set out in the Paris agreement, our context coincides with a whole series of post-pandemic conjunctures, but also structural, economic, geopolitical, geological and technological tensions that have focused social and citizen interest on energy issues. But unlike the climate dimension of the ecological problem, where the global scientific consensus is essentially unanimous, in the field of the energy transition there are major scientific disagreements on various technical aspects: What is the maximum potential of renewable energies? What feasible solutions do we have to overcome some of their problems (storage, intermittency, stabilization of the electricity grid)? Are there biophysical limits to their development (minerals, occupation of space and impact on the territory)? What complex interactions can we expect between the energy transition and the climate crisis? What public policies, in different fields (from building to transport, from land use planning to macroeconomic guidelines) should accompany, due to their technical qualities, the technological change in the energy matrix of a decarbonized society? The aim of the course is to deepen this strategic debate for the future of our societies.

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