Environmental historian and geographer Jason W. Moore gained notoriety, beyond his abundant academic work, with the publication in 2015 of Capitalism in the Web of Life, whose impact in turn aroused not a few responses. Before publishing his book, different articles anticipated some of the central theses contained in it. Among others, we propose the reading of “The Value of Everything? Work, Capital and Historical Nature in the Capitalist World-Ecology” as an introduction to his work, where Moore proposes a re-reading of Marx’s theory of value in relation to nature, in opposition to other ecomarxist currents (such as, for example, that of the “school of the metabolic rift”). To complement the reading and situate it within the critical debates that it opened, we also propose the reading of the replies of other prominent ecomarxists, such as John Bellamy Foster and Paul Burkett, Kohei Saito, Alf Hornborg and Andreas Malm.
The Value of Everything? Work, Capital and Historical Nature in the Capitalist World-Ecology / Responses
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